I LOVE Napoleon Dynamite. When Ace rented it from Blockbuster one evening, I thought "great... here we go ... I have to suffer through yet ANOTHER sophomoric movie selection of his." Because you know, Ace has been known to rent some doozies... House of Wax being the last doozie that graced the presence of this house. But ND ... a cult classic, to be certain. My friend, Robin, and I will laugh hysterically as we remember lines from the movie.... So ... even if you haven't seen the movie, hopefully these pearls of wisdom with stay with you throughout this Thursday. You never know. It might save your life. Nah... Without further ado...
Thirteen Things I Learned from Napoleon Dynamite 1. It doesn't matter if it is family; grapefruit is a good object to throw at cars. 2. Steak fresh from the source is much better than store-bought. 3. The side-loading ponytail ... it WILL make a comeback! 4. Even geeks can wear a sweet suit and make it look good. 5. "I want that" could be muttered by anyone, including your senior pastor during a sermon, and you still get the giggles because we ALL want ships in glass bottles. 6. D-Qwon's Dance Grooves should be on everyone's must watch list. 7. Caboodles were the best things ... EVER! All of those little drawers that pull out and all that storage area underneath .... priceless. Yet another item that WILL make a comeback. Or should. 8. There is still hope for the underdog. 9. Presidential Election 2008: Vote for Pedro. 10. When faced with incredible odds, adrenaline will kick in everytime when your cousin is being attacked by wolverines, and you have to fend them off with a freaking 12 gauge. Gosh. 11. They don't do things the same in the Gem State as they do down in Juarez. 12. Tots can fit just about anywhere. 13. Music for a Found Harmonium ... sweetest song EVER! 
I love this list! ND is one of my favorite goofy movies.
I do hope that Caboodles make a comeback. I still have one of my old ones from when I was 13, so I would have a vintage Caboodle, which should have its own special charm :)
And I kind of wonder how many people will write in Pedro in the 2008 election?
I really HATED that movie. Dh absolutely LOVED it!!!
Happy TT!!
OMG I love this list!!! I laughed myself silly when I first watched this movie... and the second and third; it's funny, the more you watch this flick, the more you "see"!! Now I own it. :D
I hated that movie too! But my friend said that you had to have been in grade school in the 80s to appreciate it (that's past my grade school time) so perhaps that's why.
OTOH, I love love love "Ali G in da house" and it cheers me up every time so there's just no accounting for taste, right?
Happy Thursday!
I have not seen it.
Happy Thursday.
My TT is up
Lol! I HAVE to see that movie!! :-P
LOL Yeah, it took a second viewing for me to finally appreciate (or get the humor). LOL GAH! And that Napoleon can get down; the dancin' fool.
sweet skilz!
Haven't seen the movie. Does this mean I don't have too? :-) My T13 is Up.
Great list! My kids love this movie. I just don't get it. Oh well......
LOL! List extrodinaire!
I have to see that movie.. sounds funny :)
Oops... I'm afraid I don't know this movie...
My first TT is up!
Ha -- I loved it, DH hated it. What can I say, he has not taste.
This is an awesome list -- brought a smile to my face!
My My Thursday Thirteen is up!
Happy Thursday!
there is always hope for the underdog. its who i always cheer for.
my 13 are up now too at my new blog
I REALLY need to see that movie!! I can tell I'd love it!
Thanks for visiting my TT.
Never saw the movie except for the video of Napoleon dancing. I laughed at your list though. My TT is up.
I have never seen the movie but now after reading this list, I need to go out and rent it! Great list and now you have me curious!!!
i need to get with the program and rent this movie. :)
LOVE that movie...I loved Caboodles with a passion. I still have a thing for compartments. Every piece of furniture I have as a drawer or some sort of storage space...Freaky, I know. I hoard. Thanks to Caboodles.
Great list!!
Flippin' sweet! I'm having a killer time reading this list.
AC @ bloggedy blog
Who wonders if you drink the 1 percent milk? You could drink 2 percent if you wanted to...
OMG. I watched that movie again just last night and until then, I didn't realize there was another ending at the end of the credits.
And yes, the side ponytail IS making a comeback. Too scary that ND is so trendy!
I made it through about 5 minutes of that movie before I left. My DH and his brother watched it though, not sure they loved it, but I know lots of people who do.
Have a great day, thanks for stopping by my T13!
Now I need to watch this. Going to Blockbuster.com and adding it to my menu now. Great 13. -Margie
LOVE ND!!! What makes the dance moves even better...seeing the Dancin' Dads do the beginning of the dance at a SOLD OUT game! That music can make anyone look good!
Thanks for stopping by my 13
I still have to see that movie... though I was in grade school in the 80s so we will see if I like it. My boyfriend hated it and my friends loved it. It seems to be a love/hate movie.
Your TT was "Flippin Sweeeet!" it didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth like "a cow got into an onion patch", now could you please "bring me my chapstick, my lips hurt real bad" and "I bet you're drinking skim milk cuz you think your fat, you not, you could totally drink whole milk if you wanted to" and I really like that shirt on you "your sleeves are real big"...Great TT, I played too. Stacie
I have a caboodle that I kept that my almost 10 yr old uses :) They're the best.
We should soooo start a Pedro write in campaign for 2008!
This was so awesome! My human pet laughed a lot, but she had to explain some of it to me, and then I laughed too. I feel like dancin' now!
Thanks for visiting me!
Napolean Dynamite is cool, has anyone see El Nacho Libre??? or whatever it's called with Jack Black? I think it's by the same people!
Good list!
Guessing you loves the '80s? LOL I don't know about those pony tails.
Thanks for visiting my blog today.
YES! I will always be rooting for the underdog... and this is one of my favorite movies as well. When it is on I just have to watch, even if it's the 47th time. Plus, I just love Uncle Rico and Teena.
6, 8, and 10 are really great. We've got the Napoleon dance video on our computer. Freakin' hilarious!! :)
I hated that movie. Some say it takes a second time to appreciate it, I just don't think I can sit through it again. Good list though, but gaush I just hated the movie LOL
cute list! ...I've not seen ND...might have to!
thank for visiting my site:)
Just dropping in to say hello. Here by way of Neurotic Mom.
ND was an AWESOME movie!!!!
That anon comment was me, BTW. :)
I learned that handwoven handicrafts are a MUST HAVE for this fall's fashion. Need to get one in my "season" though. I want to look like a warrrior. With sleeves that are real "big".
Haha! Funny list, LOL! Happy TT!!!
I loved Caboodles...and for real, side ponytails, huh? I will have to check that movie out. :)
I heard it's hilarious.
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Never seen it but I'm impressed by your powers of observation! Wow.
Happy TT!
That was me, didn't intend on being anonymous, blogger didn't give me a username to fill in!
My son loves ND; we both like when Napolean says, "I'm drawing a liger; it's pretty much my favorite animal." The more times you watch it the better it gets, because the first time I almost hated it! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Haha! That was such a fun movie.
OMG! This is great! Totally reminds me of the movie. I am gonna have to watch it again. LOL SWEET!
please don't tell my kids i was laughing too hard at these pearls of wisdom!
thanks for visiting my 13 this week.
Sad to say I've never seen Napolean Dynamite.
But, we raise beef cattle and don't buy our steak at stores. Does that count?
Ah, yes, Napolean Dynamite. One of the classics. I just got NetFlix. I should add that one to my cue!
Maybe I should watch it. I got reports from others to not watch it. Maybe they were too uptight fr it. Or maybe it's not Aussie kind of humour, of course we watch Americn sitcoms...
LOL I love your list! I laughed so hard at that movie.... It was so popular with my family, my dad bout himself a vote for pedro shirt - it's hysterical :)
I posted my TT#2 at www.kevinfaithandfoxxy.blogspot.com
I loved caboodles.
AWESOME list. I love this movie, too. What a great idea for TT. My kids have Vote for Pedro shirts and "Whatever I feel like. GOSH."
I so love your list! My son sometimes walks around with a quote from ND, and for the life of me now, I can't remember it! Ughhh!
Your right...it's a classic!!
Sounds like a funny movie.
My TT is up.
Sounds like a funny movie.
My TT is up.
Haven't watched the movie, will have to check it out at the library... Am not too sure what a Caboodle is... Am going to check it out on the net.... Happy TT!!!
Bring me my chapstick!....My lips hurt real bad.
roflmao....my kids have made me watch that movie over and over and I try hard not to act like I think it's funny.
Great list! ND rocked! :)
Thanks for visiting my TT!
I have not seen this movie, but it is saved on my Tivo, go figure!! My kids keep trying me to watch it, so I probably will soon! Good heads up on what to expect!
Great list!!
Thanks for visiting!
I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite. You learned some interesting things.
Thanks for visting Loud-n-Clear (my blog) and commenting on
the T13. Feel free to participate in the other topics on the blog.
Happy blogging.
Too cute! Thanks for the laughs
we loved ND
the tots bit was just too too much
Thanks for dropping by my TT! I love your list. I guess I really need to see that movie. It sounds terrific.
There is a sale at hannaandersson.com FYI! I'm shopping for my LLB. She wasn't going to wear their clothes anymore, but they came out with a really hip line that neither one of us can resist. One more year... I guess it's better than none. :-)
Middle school is such a tough time and I wanted her to fit in - she will with these cute clothes. She's beyond the day/play dresses now, but the poet skirts are adorable.
Just thought you'd like to know since you are a Hanna fan and all.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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