Wednesday, July 19, 2006

| Thirteen of My Favorite Cereals I am a self-proclaimed cereal junkie. I would eat it for every meal, if someone let me. Here are a few of my faves:
1. Life. 2. Crunch Berries ... but you have to eat out the yellow cereal first and then eat a bowlfull of berries. 3. Cheerios. I remember when Kenner would put in the box a little pamphlet/catalogue thingy that showed all of their toys. I would sit and dream. 4. Boo Berry. Not the new kind. I hate that stuff. The kind they made in the 80s. 5. Franken Berry ... see # 4. 6. Cocoa Puffs. I ate two full bowls of this when I was in labor with Queen Bee, and then threw it all up when my water broke. 7. Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. This is one my MIL got me interested in because that is all she eats. 8. Frosted Mini Wheats ... mmm... nothing like sugar on a haystack. 9. Lucky Charms ... oh yeah, baby! 10. Bran flakes. Strange amongst this sugar fest, I know. 11. Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch .... yummy goodness. 12. Apple Jacks. 13. Super Sugar Crisp. Had to end the sugar fest with the mother of all sugar-infested cereals.
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I'm a mom of three peeps ... Queen Bee, The Door Man, and the Chandelier Monkey, and wife to Ace, the Helpful Hardware Man. I created this space to get away from the people known as my inlaws, and because life with three kids and a hubby is all Unexplored Territory.

The nine-year-old who seems to be growing older every minute, has an opinion and a comment for everything, and has a true servant's heart.

The seven-year-old who loves the organization of things, will someday be someone's therapist because of his kind soul, and will more than likely be living with us until he is 40 years old.

The five-year-old with the 13-year-old attitude, who has a dictator's personality, asks you to watch her all the time and say "hold on" to keep your attention, and will someday come home on the back of some dude's motorcycle with 10 tatts and a body piercing or two.

The man of the house, the fixer of things, the winner of prizes, and the only person in his family to escape the South.

I can't believe we have the same taste
It's all in the eyes
Robert Palmer knew nothing
Good Saturday Morning
Dinner AND a movie
Before she leaves....
Thirteen Things about Me!I have wanted to do this ...
Yookah me
Why family planning is not a community endeavor
Dramamine and the DVD

My favorite cereal is Life and Cheerios but I rarely eat cereal anymore only oatmeal. Yes, I live a dull life *grin*
My TT's up. Have a wonderful Thursday...
You would fit in beautifully with my children and my hubby. I don't do cereal. But they love the stuff. And the new french toast crunch and cinnamon bun cereal are on the new list of current favs.
I *love* cereal...the ony problem is, I don't eat it by the bowl, I eat it by the BOX, lol! And it is so expensive anymore! And not to mention -- not very good for you!
My Thursday Thirteen is up, too.
yeah... unfortunately cereal really doesn't have a lot of nutritional value anymore....
I haven't had breakfast yet, so I'm heading to the cabinet to find some cereal! I think I have Honey Nut Cheerios!
Alltime favorite for me: Cap'n Crunch
I hardly ever eat cereal, but when I do, it's #11. Great idea for a Thursday Thirteen! :)
Mine are up too if you'd like to stop by.
Mine is up, 13 Tips for Reading with Children.
I have a weird new cereal combination--raisin bran mixed with shredded wheat with vanilla soy milk on it. It's yummy (and I'm not usually a soy kind of girl). Between me and dh (who is the real sugar cereal guy here), we eat most of those.
I just might have to steal this TT for myself :) Great idea!
My all time fave cereal is Raisin Bran Crunch. But I never get to eat it anymore because my DD always wants it.
that's funny- the only cereal I'll eat is Total. my youngest though, is our cereal guy. right now, it's cookie crisp. have a good day!
Love cereal, but it's not really on the low carb plan...I loved Frosted Flakes, though...and Grape Nuts.
I love Cheerios and Frosted Mini Wheats, yum.
I played.
Ever have Cracklin Oat Bran? My husband just calls it crack... because when we have it in the home...he turns into a glutton! All he can do is eat the crack! :)
Happy TT!
I do love cereal, but only a very few kinds -- I'm sure I couldn't come up with a list of 13. One thing's for sure, Peanut Butter Captain Crunch would be at the top of the list! ;)
Dammit! I forgot about TT again. LOL! Maybe I'll have to do two posts today.
Anyway, I LURVES me some Boo Berry. And you are right, the old stuff from the 80's.
Sounds like my 17 yo son's list! I love GRAPE NUTS!
my guilty cereal pleasure is cocoa krispies. :)
I love fruitloops!! The Peanutbutter captin crunch is good too.
Happy TT!
I only eat bran flakes and All Bran !!I can eat them for every meal in the hot summer days! happy TT :¬) and let me reach you some cold milk, lol!
I'm not a cereal person.. but I used to LOVE Cap'n Crunch. My son is a Fruit Loops and Corn Pops junkie. :)
Thanks for visiting my TT!
This is a brilliant list. I love peanut butter crunch! And have you tried the new CHOCOLATE Lucky Charms?
**sigh** i cant relate.. :O(
the only cereal i will eat is Kashi Go Lean Crunch...i was never one for sugar...
happy TT!!
My favourite cereal is Berry Burst Cheerios, but their harder to find here these days...used to be able to get a huge box at Costco for a reasonable I can only find a tiny box for about $4 which just seems crazy.
Thanks for popping by my TT!
Have not tried the chocolate Lucky Charms. I will have to try that under the guise of getting it for the kids ...
I remember Super Sugar Crisp. Now-a-days they don't mention Sugar in the name of the cereal. But I used to love Sugar Bear. Great idea for a list!
I love cereal and could eat it 3 meals a day. My new favorite is the Life Vanilla Yogurt Crunch :)
Thanks for visiting my TT today!
Lucky Charms are the bomb. I buy them for Hoss, theoretically, but eat them a lot myself. The cereal I keep at the office is more healthy, though (yogurt Cheerios, or Raisin Nut Bran) so that my co-workers don't see me chowing on the colored marshmellows.
ohhhhh - I LOVE Sugar Crisp and Lucky Charms!
Great (yummy) list!!!
Mine is up too :)
Cool list. I don't know what my fav is...
Thanks for stopping by my TT. Have a great weekend :)
I like the strawberry frosted mini wheats.
My kids like the cocoa puffs and apple jacks.
Good TT, you made me hungry!
My TT is up!
Oh, I LOVE this list!!! Cap'n Crunch Berries is my favorite, and I would totally eat out the yellow cereal and save all the berries for last, since they were my favorite. I was so excited when they came out with a cereal that was all berries.
I just love waffle you?
I like honey bunches of oats, but I think my favorite is honeycomb
My list is 13 soups, and yours is 13 cereals. How funny. I love Life... this reminds me I haven't bought it in a while. Happy Thursday.
Oh, I'm so with you about the cereal. That is my downfall all the time. I could live on it all day every day. My current favorite is Raisin Bran Crunch. Great list!
Great list! I have to put in a guilty vote for Sugar Corn Pops (but without milk). Thanks for visiting my T13
Bran flakes? Com'on. That ain't a cereal... it's mush when combined with milk.
And I prefer Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch. That and Corn Pops.
Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Cereal!! Yum!
I am hungry now.
I like cereal too!
Good list
My TT is up
I think I am having cereal for dinner...Honey Bunches is my fav!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
I love cereral too! #3 and #9 from you list are my favorites too! Great list! Thanks for stopping by my TT.
i give you many kudos. i have soggy food issues and stay far far away from cereal. that isle in the store is always sad because they look so yummy on outside of the box. oh well.
i've posted 13 too at
Wow this list made my tastebuds quiver. Half that stuff we can't get in Australia and it makes me really wish we could.
I totally miss Life, Cheerios (we have cheerios but they're so NOT the same) and Honeynut Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats, Cap'n Crunch and Apple Jacks!
I used to put the cereal of the day in a ziplock bag and take it to work to munch on periodically through the day instead of buying chips or candy. LOL.
mmm...When I feel like a grown up (and I've just robbed a bank) I like the Fruit & Fibre w/peaches & almonds. But Life and Fruity Pebbles are always great!
Great List!
I LOVE cereal as well and we eat a ton of it. Just last night, we had cereal for supper :) I do try to eat the semi-healthy stuff, but I love all the good sugary-ones too :) Great T13!
Have a wonderful day, my T13 is up too...
I have to tell my friend that I found another cereal junkie, when she got married we all teased her that it was all she knew how to make! My favourite is honey nut cheerios, frosted flakes, raisin bran and frosted mini wheats.
We were never allowed to eat "sugar" cereals growing up, Life was about as close to sugar as we got. Except for the stuff we'd sneak out of the cupboard and pour over our bowls of Wheatabix or puffed wheat!!!!
We have some different ones up here in Canada and not all the ones you listed either. Thanks for coming by my TT.
Yum!!! I love all of those except #11.
You're just a kid at heart! #2 is funny! Sounds like something I might do!
Remember the alphabet soup? I'd have to spell out words, or either spell ut the alphabet as I ate! Took lots of time!
My TT is up.
Thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of the world. This T-13 has been fantastic! I love your sight. And if you dont mind, I would love to add the cerals to my T-13 list of "to-do's" :) Stop by again sometime
My 2 yr old has a infatuation with KIX and my 6 yr old likes whatever I am eating the last of or finished yesterday and neither of them want milk on thier cereal, but to drink with it- ??? I, also would eat cereal for every meal,if I could. Have you tied the vanilla frosted mini wheats- or the vanilla yougurt crunch life- YUMMYYY!
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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